Power Thoughts By Joyce Meyer

Does Your Mind Wander? Are you bombarded with unhealthy, unfocused thoughts? Do you have trouble trying to get something out of your mind? You may be stuck in a mental rut. It’s time to get out! Joyce's upcoming book, Power Thoughts, will help you...

Take her bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, to the next level. Learn 12 specific thoughts to positively affect every area of your life. Learn how to think right thoughts on purpose, become decisive, confident and productive. Enjoy the powerful life God intended for you.

Defeat Your Enemy The enemy loves to put all kinds of wrong thoughts in our minds because he doesn’t want us to have the good things Jesus died for us to have. But Power Thoughts can help you defeat your enemy and live free from his lies once and for all. ~ Joyce Meyer

A Must Read Book Authored By Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer "Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes"

Engrained in our culture is the belief that unbending discipline is the only sure way to success. You must go to the gym five times a week, never order the dessert, and don't even think about buying that dress you keep staring at in the store window. Breaking from such a regimented lifestyle is a sign of weakness, right? Wrong!-and Joyce wants to tell us why...

Though setting rules in our lives are important, it's just as important that we break them from time-to-time. Structure is a powerful tool, but when diverging from your own goals is seen as catastrophic, it can have a hugely negative effect on us. Balance is a core value in life and every once in awhile we deserve to indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. So don't feel bad about straying from your goals every once-in-awhile and in fact, embrace it: eat the cookie and buy the shoes!

Giving Yourself Permission to Lighten Up

For more information about Joyce's new book visit Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes

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